Taking Medicine Song | متن شعر کودکانه | درباره ی پزشکی

Sometimes we feel unwell
Sometimes we feel ill
Temperatures and headaches
Aches and pains and chills

Tell a grown-up who can help
They’ll look after you
They’ll suggest that you rest
Maybe give you medicine too

If they do then open up
And swallow it all down
Medicine can be yellow
Or white, pink or brown

Sometimes it tastes ok
And other times not so
But it’s always for the best
It makes the illness go!

Sometimes we feel unwell
Sometimes we feel ill
Temperatures and headaches
Aches and pains and chills

Sometimes we feel unwell
Sometimes we need rest
You’re feeling so much better now
You’re back to your best

اگر به ترجمه دقیق و صحیح این شعر نیاز دارید از اینجا درخواست خود را ثبت کنید.

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